Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Eight, Nine, Ten...

Eight Month Stats
Weight: 18.6 lbs (53%)

Nine Month Stats
Weight: 18.13 lbs (46%)
Height: 28 in (61%)
Head: 17.5 in (61%)

10 Month Stats
(well really, 9 3/4 stats)
Weight: 18.6 (36%)
Height: 27.75 in (46.8%)
Head: 17.4 (50%)
 (apparently we have a Benjamin Button case here)

Big changes from the last few months!  We have mobility, standing up holding onto things, cruising, attempting to climb, getting into everything, standing alone for a few seconds, hair (oh so much hair), tantrums, giggles and snorts, and general sadness from me because my baby is getting so big.  Lucy continues to show us her personality which is pretty easy going for the most part, as long as you don't mess up her plan (yet another reason we know she is my child).  It is so much fun to see the wheels turn in her head as she figures out something new.

Lucy's Loves
  • Waving hi and bye, although sometimes she does give people the stone face when we tell her to wave
  • Music- when a song is on she likes to wave her hands and head simultaneously or clap.  We think she may have some of that Southern Baptist in her.  She also likes to shake her bum or bounce on her leg if she is standing up.
  • Books- she especially loves The Five Silly Monkeys I think because it is more of a song.  She will sit through the book and turn the pages all by herself.
  • Crawling- she will  crawl all over the house and sometimes gets going faster than the rest of her body and face plants.  That happens a lot.  She loves to crawl through her secret passage way (i.e. the gap between the wall and the couch).
  • Toys- she is already a toy hoarder.  She will have one or two toys in each hand and try to drag a toy under her while she crawls.  If she sees something she wants along the way, she tries to pick it up to.  She loves stuffed animals/toys!  She will put a toy in her mouth (like a puppy) so she can take it with her while she crawls
  • Getting into everything- She loves to get into the pantry, the stove drawer, the fridge if it is open, the dishwasher if it is open, our closets, etc.  She especially likes to open and close doors or pull things out of places, like the pantry.  

  • Pulling up on everything- Just last week she finally conquered pulling up to stand all by herself.  She has been working on it for a while, and finally one day she just got it and never looked back.  She has also gotten so much better at getting herself down without hurting herself.  She can bend down and pick up a toy while holding onto something to keep standing.  She can also let go for a few seconds and balance herself before she either falls on her bum or has to grab back on to keep standing. Unfortunately she also likes to stand up in the tub, which often leads to falling.
  • Holding onto a blanket while she sleeps and having a stuffed animal/toy to sleep with.  Most of the time she sleeps with a small stuffed snowman, which we call snow baby and either her pink micro-fleece blanket or one of her muslin swaddling blankets.  She often likes to wrap the blanket around her head, which means she has a crazy sweaty head when she wakes up.
  • Foods: avocados, watermelon, peaches, cheerios, puff snacks (although we think she may have a reaction to the rice flour), oatmeal, squash, mixed veggies (carrots and peas), carrots, sweet potatoes, shredded chicken and star noodles, Ritz crackers, bananas, prunes, anything that comes in a baby food pouch (seriously, she sucks those things down in less than a minute, while it takes her 30 minutes to eat a meal normally), sometimes grapes or kiwi, spaghetti, bubble pizza (without the cheese), bread (but she has gotten picky on the kind of bread she likes!), black beans, and more.

  • Watching other kids- she is fascinated by other kids and likes to crawl around to follow them when they come over to play.  
  • Cell phones and computers
  • Mom and Dad- everyday, when Richard gets home from work, she gives him the biggest smile and crawls or reaches for him or waves and laughs.  If I have been gone, she does the same thing.  It melts my heart every time!

  • Playing games- patty cake, this little piggy, hide and seek or peekaboo, wake up mommy,etc. She loves to be startled and tickled.  
  • Being outside, swimming, swinging and going for walks
  • Animals- she freaks out, shakes her hands, smiles and hyperventilates anytime an animal is near. 

Not Her Favorite

  • Getting ready for bed (still)
  • Getting her diaper changed (still)
  • Staying still to do her hair (are you sensing a theme here?)
  • Being moved away from getting into things she wasn't supposed to.
  • Eating something different than what we are eating
I can't believe that my baby is getting so big!