Sunday, October 28, 2012

This too shall pass

In my bedroom, I have this canvas with these words on them: This too Shall Pass.  I know a lot of people use this in a way to say that trials will be overcome but also, less often, it can be used to mean that moments or precious experiences will not last forever.  I have used it both ways for sure.  That is why at the bottom of the canvas I made sure I had the words: be present.  Making sure that you enjoy life today instead of waiting for something else to come along.  Be happy now.
I thought about it as we struggled to have children.  I thought about it when Richard and I went on spontaneous trips to get ice cream.  I thought about it as I laid down for a Sunday nap.  I thought about it as I sat in my quiet house, reading a book or making a craft or using my time however I wanted to.
I thought about it as I sat in the waiting room of the Doctor’s office, waiting to have an ultrasound where I would hear the first heartbeat, even though it was my fourth pregnancy.   I thought about it as I felt a little baby wiggling inside my belly. I thought about it as I massaged the big knots that formed from where I had my progesterone injections every week.  I thought about it as I slept in on Saturday morning, with Richard next to me, just a week before my due date.  
I thought about it as I was having strong contractions for three days before my water finally broke.  I looked at that canvas as I saw my baby’s umbilical cord fall off and I wanted to start crying because it meant that she was getting bigger already.  I look at it in the middle of the night, when I am trying to keep Lucy, and myself, awake as she nurses.  And as I rock her back to sleep and she stares up at me before drifting off to sleep, and I sing to her about Heavenly Father answering prayers.  Because He does, and I want to make sure she knows that she is one of those answers.